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Cast - Rhythm Heaven Fever

MG GAT-X105E Strike E + IWSP

this thing came with so many weapons for some reason like, dude
you can't hold all that shit. like, a pair of smg looking guns, a pair of
pistols, a normal plasma rifle, a minigun, shoulder mounted cannons,
3 swords, and a knife. complete overkill but it's sick as fuck. it came
with a stand too so that's super nice, they probably knew there was
no way people were posing this thing standing with the heavy ass
wing pack

MG MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom

blue boy. blue ass motherfucker. get outta here. i like this
one a lot, i've always loved the bulkiness of zakus. i want to
give him a big ol smooch on his one big eyeball.

MG Gundam Epyon Mobile Suit 0Z-13MS

woah buddy, save some swag for the rest of us. the wings on this one are really sick, like
mechanical angel wings almost. they can collapse in on themselves too which is nice, but
it looks way cooler when they're out so like, why would i pose it with them in. i like the whip
but it seems hard to pose so i just posed it so that i wouldn't have to think about that lol.

HG Alteisen

the pile bunker may be the coolest mecha weapon i think. fuck
lasers and missiles and shit. you, me, big metal spike, in your
cranium, now. the shoulder missiles are cool and i love the helmet.
i still haven't played super robot wars but building this little guy
has def given me a little extra shove in that direction.

Mobile Suit RX-93 V-Gundam Fin Funnel

got this one at a con. it's from 1988 so it's cool as shit, but tbh idk if i'd wanna build
another lol. the build quality is kind of poor and it's kind of fragile (which i expected tbh).
the big fin on the back, as sick as it is and as much as i love it, feels like it'll fall out if i
pick it up or if it gets nudged slightly. plus it throws it off balance a lot so posing was tough.
sick novelty though, i'd love to paint it one day
update: as of 9/10/24 it fell over and the fin came off and idk how to put it back on
so it's back in the box now, rip

MG XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms

cool asf. i'm really sad about this one cause i fucked up the minigun it's
supposed to have, there was a bit of wire or something that's supposed to be a
clip that attaches from the gun to a backpack, but i clipped it short so that screwed
it up a bit. originally i was just gonna not have the clip, which worked fine, but
i ended up realizing that posing it so that it's got all the in-built missile launchers
opened and facing forward could be sick as fuck so i went with that.

HG Perfect Strike Freedom Gundam

lucky the wings on this thing are big enough that they basically function as an
extra pair of legs, no way this motherfucker was getting posed without a stand
otherwise. there's a rifle that comes with it that you can combine with the sword
to make an even bigger sword but honestly at that point it's like, comically big,
so i just went with the little sword and shield for it.

HG Gundam Barbataurus

i wanna have this one standing on its hind legs so bad it's unreal.
real centaur shit. but alas, gravity and balance exist so he gets to stand
on all four of his legs. i like the pose i got it in though, it's kinda
flamboyant which i think is cool for a horse-adjacent guy. i'm never
happy with the arms though, i feel like they look kind of awkward.
i've redone them like 10 times and every time i end up going "ehhhh"

HG Blazing Gundam

dude i'm so fucking mad i lost the box for this one. it's supposed to have
a cool ass mask that i didn't put on it for some reason, kick effects, a second
sword, fuckin TONFAS. an actual tragedy. idk what i was thinking. if i had
a time machine the first thing i'd do is shake my little brain and scream at
myself to not lose that box. anyways, it's kinda cool ig. without the mask it's
kinda generic. at least only having the one sword gives me an excuse to do
a cool kendoish stance

HG Gouf Crimson Custom

red boy. red ass motherfucker. get outta here. since the bbg (big blue gouf)
has its minigun out i figured i'd do the other gouf custom weapons on this one.
the sword is kinda eh i think but i'm a huge fan of the 3-barrel machine gun.
if i ever get a third one of these for whatever reason i'll have to find a cool pose
to show off the heat wire.

EG Strike Gundam

ok so i'm stupid and had this listed as an rx-78-2 for some reason for the
longest time. idk why it's pretty obvious now that i'm looking at it closer.
vents are gray instead of yellow, shoulders are different, overall shape in
some places, idk i'm just stupid. anyways, fun little build. he's neat. i could
imagine myself building like 30 of these


this is the point at which i am writing about them as i finish them


MG RX-77-2 Guncannon
feat. core fighter

when i finished up this page yesterday (7/18/24) i had the description on the
strike e as p much "waowww shoulder mounted guns are so cool sighhh
reminds me of guncannon.... i wanna build guncannon sighhhhhhhhh........."
and then today i went to a hobby shop and boom, they had guncannon. it
was meant to be. he's so fucking cool man, the legs on this one felt a lot more
articulate than a lot of others i've built, which makes sense seeing as you can't
have guncannon without putting the little freak on all fours. it came with a core
fighter too which was really cool. you can have it inside the gundam like usual
but they also gave it a second fake core fighter that you can put inside so you
can have the real one out which is really nice. i love you guncannon.............

MG RGM-79SP GM Sniper II

this one's pretty cool. i like how the shield can stand on its own, feels very
fitting for a sniper. there were pieces here and there that felt really weird
to work with, the hands didn't feel quite right but held together fine and the
legs were really tough to click in the sockets but the rest feels really sturdy.
not a ton to say, just a really solid model all around. i wanna fuck with the
pose more and get it aiming down sights or something eventually but i'm
tired rn and don't feel like fucking around with that lol

RG Gundam Astray Red Frame

my first ever real grade. conesensus? eh. i really like how posable the legs are,
those feel really good. couple weird pieces here and there that didn't really wanna stay
put. i accidentally snapped a joint in the right arm because i'm stupid so i can't really
pose it, if i try to position it at the elbow it just flops back down. on the plus side the
katana is so fucking cool. i love the reflective color they used for the blade and the goldish
color on the guard and hilt is pretty nice. a little detail i like a lot is that the blade
kinda sticks in the sheathe and you have to pop it out like an actual katana. all in all idk,
it's got its ups and downs but all in all i think it's pretty good. definitely prefer
master grades still though

MG RX-78-2 Gundam ver.KA

this one's really cool, not a ton to say on the kit itself. it's solid, the little nylon bits
you put on some of the tubes on the legs are a neat little detail. my only complaint about the kit
itself is that there's a connector piece in the legs that the instructions tell you to put in backwards
which was kind of shitty. i liked the kit a lot all in all and when i finished it i though "hm.....
this would be a cool kit to try doing decals on........." i've never done decals beyond the easy couple
of stickers that are part of the instructions. so i gave the dry application decals a shot and hooooooly
shit i am not built for that. i decided to start with the shield since that's pretty flat and seemed easy.
first decal i kinda flubbed but it looked fine, second decal was pretty good, not only did i put the third
decal on upside down so it got stuck to the masking tape instead of the model, but in the process of putting
it on i scuffed a good amount of the second decal off. the second and third decals were the only two that
there were only one of each of. so yeah, womp womp. after that i just did the two shoulders before getting
bored and giving up. i wanna go back and finish the job eventually but damn, i can only scribble on masking
tape with a pen so many times before i need to do something else. sorry this one is 65% me complaining
about decals i really like this kit

HG Demi Trainer

felt like doing something easy today. this guy is tiny, having built so many hgs lately it felt a lot
smaller than it actually is, but it's still noticable smaller than my other hgs. super simple build, only
3 sets of sprues, no unused extra pieces, no extra sets of hands to swap in and out, just the guy and
a few different choices of which stickers to use on the chest. went with pink cause i thought it was cute.
he feels pretty fragile, the limbs are all a little weird to move around cause they can just slide out of
the socket if you're not careful, but for a kit i got for like 15 bucks and as just a quick build to give
me something to do he's awesome. it's weird that this is only my third zaku i've built cause i love how bulky
they are so much, a lot of them are way cooler than a lot of gundams i think


guncannon phenotype, instant good. i fucked up a bit of the chest piece and now there's a little crack under
the vents but it's not really noticeable. also i really do not like the hands on this one. the only hands in
the kit are articulated and they kinda suck at holding the weapons it came with. yucky yucky. like, i get the
idea of articulated hands, i can grasp the concept, but in practice molded hands are just so much more
convenient 99% of the time. anywayz cool guy idk how long this pose will last but it looks neat and the guy's
neat and fuck yeah

Frame Arms Miku and Tamotu

my first non-mecha model kit (excluding a stealth bomber i did when i was like 13 that is probably in
pieces in my closet rn). very nice kit, got it at a con from a really nice old japanese guy who also
happened to sell me the okayu figure in the background at a different con. while i disagree with some of
his gundam opinions (thinks a perfect grade rx 78 ii would be more worth it than a perfect grade zaku ii)
he sold me the kit for a really good price so we're chill. anyways, the kit, it's weird to see how much
more flexible she is than the average gundam, it's very freeing. i probably could've done some cooler
pose than this but i wanted to kinda have miku sicking tamotu on someone and i think it looks good enough.
my only complaint is the waist, when i was trying to attach them to the rest of the body they kept kinda
bursting apart, took like 4 tries. can't argue with the results though, thank you hatsoni mikey.

Full Mechanics GAT-X370 Raider Gundam

i seriously need a shelf or something, keeping all these things on my dresser isn't gonna work for much
longer. big fan of this guy, the ball and chain kicks ass. the wings kick ass. the fact that it can transform
kicks ass (even though i'm probably not gonna do it lol). it's just ass kicking after ass kicking. posing
it was a little tough cause i don't have any stands rn and the only one it comes with is a baby one for the
spike ball but i think it looks good enough for now. unrelated but i had a punch card for the place i bought
it from that was almost filled out but i left it there and almost lost it which would've sucked cause i pumped
hundreds of dollars into that thing and there's no way i'm starting over from there. i have shockingly little
to say about this one, he's cool what do you want from me. go read a book or something.

MG Infinite Justice Gundam

love the antennae on this one (idk what else i'd call the forehead bit lol). kinda reminds me of a
beetle. also as i'm writing this i'm realizing it's also kinda like a zaku thing which makes more sense
but like, y'know. beetles. the ankles feel very loose, like maybe i did something wrong but the feet feel
a bit too easy to move and it kinda messed with posing a bit. not much else to say lol. i took the two
swords that you can stick together (idk what the real term for those are i've always just called them pit
swords in my brain cause of john "the kid" icarus) and just put one on it to make a sorta glaive thingy.
thought that was a little cooler. with this (and a special one i ordered online that'll be here soon
hehe) i'm probably gonna take a break from gunpla cause i am almost out of dresser space and the
only other flat surfaces i have i'm scared they aren't safe on. will continue when i get some shelves
or something.

黑三连配色 (yms-08b dom test type? hg probably)

already talked about it in the blog so tldr i bought this model off temu cause i was curious
as to how bad or good it would be. i don't actually have a ton to say about the model itself,
it's noticeably a little cheaper than an official kit. a lot of the pieces don't sit quite right
together, the color's pretty off from an official one and even the one pictured in the booklet,
the head's a little wonky if you look at it up close, but all in all it's not at all as bad as
it could've been. i like my stupid chud son. i wanted to look up the characters on the logo but
i couldn't make out one of them and google translate couldn't tell what i was trying to recreate
so i just googled the other text on the box. the name of the model, "黑三连配色," which translates
to "Black three-color". i googled that with the chinese word for model kit after it and found a
taobao page for another identical looking one labelled as "黑色三连星大魔", or Black Tri-Star Demon"
(way cooler name.) so i'm assuming that's the actual chinese name for this model. so i didn't
really get to the bottom of anything but i felt cool looking stuff up. i'm tired now though so no
more investigating. that's the last model i'll probably be building for a while until i can get a
shelf or something so i can make some room.

Full Mechanics GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam

ok i lied. i can't help it, i need to build. how else am i supposed to spend my lonely thursday
afternoons? i made enough room for it so whatever we're good more gunpla. god this one is sick.
the colors look really nice, the shoulder mounted lasers rock, the bazooka is one of the coolest
i've gotten out of a kit thus far, just alround super solid. it makes me question what qualifies
a kit as full mechanics instead of just being MG though. like, the last full mechanics gundam i
built, raider gundam, i got it. it can transform, that's a considerable gimmick, full mechanics.
but with this one the only gimmick point is like, the guns on the shield can be moved up and down?
like yeah that's neat but i don't see why that "gimmick" earns its way into its own grade. weird
shit aside, this was the first kit i decided to fully sticker and hoooooly shit. what have i been
missing out on all this time? it looks so much cooler and it's nowhere near as tedious as i thought
it'd be. i'm still not sold on doing dry apply stickers but i'm def gonna start doing stickers more
when i build kits.

Mobile Suit Ensemble Zaku II High Mobility Type

little bonus kit i got out of a blind box cause i filled out the punch card i had for the place
i buy my models from. he's just a little guy look at him!!!! he's not even one apple tall and i
love him. i've got all my zakus (not all only the HG ones my MG one is in the back on a stand even
though there are other gunpla on the shelf who need that way more) up front together and i think
it's cute. when i get an actual shelf i'll def have my zakus together in their own little bro zone.
this kit was interesting, it's small and simple but the provided instructions are suuuuuuuper
shitty. idk if it was a me issue but the instructions that came with it were for a completely
different kit that wasn't even a part of the blind box series i had. even if it was right, it's
one page and just shows a big wide shot of all the pieces sort of arranged in such a way that they're
passable as instructions. luckily there was a link on the paper to a website with actual video
instructions for all the blind kits they have so it ended up not being a difficult build once i
gave up trying to eyeball it.

HG MSK-008 Dijeh

quick little guy. i was really surprised when i went in today cause they usually never have zaku-likes
beyond a couple demi trainers (idk if they count i haven't seen gwitch (yet) but they look close enough
that i file them under zaku in my head) so it was very nice to see they had two solid hg ones. chose this
one cause i liked the colors more and it was cheaper lol. not much to say about it. it came with two
separate but really similar eye pieces which confused me a bit. i think one of them might have been angled
slightly higher? i'm not really sure i just picked one at random pretty much. idk my biggest takeaway
from today is that i need to actually like, watch gundam stuff more. having this many models and still
having not seen 99.99999999999999999% of stuff relating to gundam feels like a moral failure on my part.

HG MS-05B Zaku I

wanted to build another zaku this week so i snagged this one on usags along with a bunch of stands and
some new files. cool kit. it just kind of hit me now that this is the first actual ZAKU zaku i've built
(not counting the ensemble one). i've got zaku-likes but this is my only true zaku. i've only got one
complaint about this kit and it's that the bazooka rack on the back doesn't hold it well at all. it just
sorta rests upon it. if it were a little more snug i'd totally have it on there but as is i don't really
wanna bother with having to put it back on every time i move my models around. also in the booklet they
show the heat hawk that comes with it all cool and detailed and pink but in the actual kit it's just gray.
stupid thing to whine about cause like, yeah obviously, but at the same time like, come on man. one extra
tiny sprue for a weapon bit isn't a new and crazy thing. oh and speaking on the heat hawk (the more i
type the more complaints i'm realizing i have) the handle doesn't fit right in the hand. way too skinny.
ok that's all.


what a name lmao jesus fuck. change of scenery cause i got him in a good pose on my desk and i don't
really wanna clear room on my dresser for it so he can hang out here until i figure something else out.
my first bandai premium, fun kit. very unique, i like the long ass rifle and the big ass arms are so cool.
it'd be sick as hell to do some kind of potemkin pose with it. pot buster the shit out of another hg. my
biggest complaint is the amount of waste cause jesus fucking christ dude. there are three A sheets, one
gets almost entirely used which is good. the other two get used for a total of like, 3 pieces each. and
they're some of the largest sheets in the kit. there are so many sprue sheets in there with a metric
fuckton of unused parts and it's dumb as hell. like i get i buy boxes of plastic waste every week or so
and then file the shit out of it and breathe in the microplastics but like, i'd like to waste less i think!

MG Strike-Freedom Gundam

i like this guy a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the gold frame looks sooooooo cool dude god. the big ass wings,
the guns that latch into each other to make a bigger gun, they could not make me hate you strike-freedom
gundam. EVEN THOUGH they give me a lot of really good reasons too!!!! the material the gold pieces are made
from feel noticeably cheaper and softer than the others. whatever, i've built other kits with gold parts
before, that's just kind of how it is. the wings did NOT want to latch together properly. each wing is made
of two parts that click together and i didn't even realize i had them put together wrong until i fucked up
and dropped the gundam after i finished everything and i went FUUUUCK SOMETHING FUCKED UP AND THE RANGE OF
MOTION ON THE WINGS ARE FUCKED NOW and then i said wait a minute, this is how they're supposed to be, the
other side you can spin around 360 degrees that's not right they're supposed to rise up to a certain point
and stop. so i spent like 10 minutes pinching and squeezing the wings and eventually got it right. ok last
complaint THE HANDS AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! i know i always complain about the apposable
finger hands but i was like. you know what. whatever. it's got the fuckin, little bit you can click weapons
into on it. it's fine. as long as the weapon clicks into place in the hand it doesn't really matter if the
fingers don't hold it tight. AND THEN THE WEAPONS DIDN'T CLICK INTO THE HANDS. i seriously spent like 15
minutes just pressing the weapons onto the hand and praying it stuck before i gave up. the one weapon's
stuck on there but the littlest tap would knock it out of place and the other is just resting in the hands
loosey goosey style. my best guess is that it's something to do with the poopoo ass gold material but i'm
not really sure and i'm probably just coping. anyways yeah seriously sick kit i love how it looks. moving
bedrooms soon so i'm excited to have shelf space where i can put this so it's not just on my desk.

Mega Size Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode)

i'm soooooooo good with money :3 i kid you not i went to the store to pick up an entry grade. just a little
cheap and easy thing. no intent to buy anything beyond that. now i usually go thursdays to pick up kits but
my car's going into the shop that day so i said screw it, i'll go tuesday. it's the most stacked i've ever
seen it. like i've never seen anything like it. i've never seen perfect grades in stock there and they had
two. and this beauty was just sat on the floor beside the gundam shelfs. mmmfffppghghhghghh....... i didn't
want to buy it you gotta believe me. i wanted to dip. but i was beckoned. i'm going on vacation soon and
likely won't be able to go in for models for a couple weeks. there's no way this is lasting that long there!
i had to do it. and i have no regrets cause holy shit this was so fun. about the complexity of a lower end
master grade i'd say. it makes up for that by being bigger than a newborn. like, god. i genuinely have 0
complaints with this kit. which is amazing cause i usually find something to whine about with my little
robots. i take it back. the decals are wet apply, only complaint. i would've absolutely taken the extra time
to decal the whole thing if it were stickers or even if they were dry apply which is impressive cause i hate
dry apply. never done wet apply though and if i fuck up my first go i don't want it to be here. so that's my
one complaint out of the way. hardly any excess pieces, the material all sanded nice, i can count the pieces
i had trouble clicking together on one hand, since all the pieces are so big they're impossible to lose and
easy to handle, add some gimmicks and remove my own skill issue and it might be my favorite kit i've built.
and shoulder cannons, it would need shoulder cannons to be my favorite. oh also i already finished and
uploadedthis but i wanna add i wish they made mega size action bases cause i am so afraid to pose this thing
like if it's off balance at all i'm scared it'll fall and shatter into a billion bits ok post done now