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finally made a quick and shitty little adjustment so i can add images to these posts. yippeeee!!!!!!!! i'm gonna add pictures to the posts where i complain about how i want to add pictures but i'm not gonna edit the text cause that'd be kinda dumb. also i need to manually shrink them all which will probably get annoying but idc about that rn YEAHHHHHHHHHHH PICTURES WOOHOOOO I LOVE IMAGES



went to a con in rochester today, cool stuff. bought a couple pins and some stickers, a milly thompson trigun keychain, 85 dollar hatsune miku model kit (check trinkets smiles), you know, the con essentials. somebody set off the fire alarm which sucked but it got us outside and to the food trucks which was good at least. i never dreamed a cuban sandwich from a food truck would be good as fuck but here we are. i seriously need to format the blog for image posting cause i just realized showing off my con jacket would be sick. i got pictures with cosplayers which ehhh, idk if that'd be right to post cause i don't have their permission (also every picture with me in it shows off my giant fucking forehead so i'm good on that i think) but yeah. good con, i need to spend more money rn.


blogging is hard

i need to make more of a habit of writing here or something. it's like, when i have things to write about i'm not in the mood to write, when i'm in the mood to write i don't have anything to write about. i went on vacation with some friends (two of whom being slimbingi and myrple check my home page they're there) and was like "oh man there's so much to write about and pictures i wanna post and yadda yadda" and then when i got home it was like, uhgghhhhh i don't wanna write and if i do pictures i'd need to fuck with the formatting to make them work in the main text boxes and that's a lotta work and ughhhghhhhghghhghhh so i never did. now, like 3 weeks later and after i've lost some of the finer details, i am in the mood to write. fucked up and evil. fun vacation though, we hiked, went to a water park, saw some movies in an old ass theater, went to an arcade that didn't suck donkey ass, a good time was had by all i think. maybe if i'm feeling like fucking with code again some time i'll make these boxes image friendly and update this one with some pictures. but anyways yeah, blogging is awesome but my disgusting chungus life shan't allow for it.


arcades suck

i wish consoles didn't completely fuck up the entire arcade industry in the usa. there are two half decent arcade options near me, one's super close but it's usually closed and the owner deals drugs and sells stolen shit, the other's a dave and busters half an hour away. the close one is alright cause it has emulators built into a few machines so it's just like, yeah it's got a ton of the stuff you can play on a cabinet. no rhythm games though and that's the main thing that would draw me to an arcade. the dave and busters has a pump it up machine and that's the only thing i really care about there. idk i wanna play taiko. save me don chan, save me


pondering life and society and whatnot........ yeha i'm kind of wise

went to my grandma's today to do yard work for her. she has me go to her backyard and see if i can take down a tree growing along her fence that got tall enough for her to notice it out her kitchen window. some time between checking out the tree and opening her garage to get something to cut it down with it starts hammering rain, like that hard as fuck out of nowhere kind of rain. i grab a little hatchet from the garage (pretty much the only thing she had that could cut down a small tree like that) and hurry to the backyard to start cutting. the tree protects me from the rain, which picked up even more since i got underneath it. i still cut that shit down and then i got wet even though that little tree, as its last act of kindness, protected me from the rain. kinda fucked up!!!!!!! it should've been me tbh. that little tree should've used me to build a house or start a fire for warmth or something. i did that little fellow dirty.


random thoughtz

i wanna get a flip phone i think. it'd be cool to simplify like that. not having access to twitter for most of my day is like, unarguably good. the issue is i do like 99% of my communication through discord so i'd have to start giving my number out or something. i'd been thinking for a little while it'd be cool to get like, a cd walkman for music since i've been getting into cds lately but that seems mega inconvenient now that i've thought about it. like a cassette walkman maybe would work for that sort of thing but cd ones need to be clunky just based off the fact that cds are big. maybe you can clip them to the waist of your pants idk. i've had an mp3 player for years now that i've never used though so that's probably a more normal way to do that. idk!!! what are modern flip phones even like? i haven't looked a ton into it this is just like a "sighhh wouldn't it be nice to have old technology smiles" type of thing i'll never act on but it'd be neat


da beginning.......

i'm not gonna have a lot to put on here usually cause i don't have a lot of crazy shit to talk about or any interesting shit going on but i thought it would be a kinda neat thing to have lol. idk what else to put here cause it's just a "this exists now, cool!" post so that the first post on here isn't one of the test posts that got made while i was working on this. so yeah. blog. yippee!